I'm Trapped. Trapped in this life. Trapped in this body. Trapped by my choices. Trapped by my all consuming need for more.
More knowledge, more friends, more life experiences... Trapped by the thought (fear?) that my days are wasting away.
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there. Life is actually pretty good. I've got an amazing husband, 2 ridiculous dogs, a comfortable home, and a stable, marketable career. I can pay all my bills and still have a bit of money left over to catch a band at the bar on the weekend. But I've been feeling antsy lately and it's come to my attention that everything my husband and I have built for the past four years is holding us down from achieving what we ultimately want to achieve. That comfortable home equals a mortgage and an uphill battle whenever we do get in a position that we can sell. That good, stable career is in food service and while I am incredibly thankful for everything that I have and everyone who has helped me to get where I am, it's not my dream job. My life has expanded to a point where I should be somewhat content, and contentment scares the hell out of me. It makes you boring, your life routine. I have been stuck in the same routine for 4 years and I recently decided it's time to break free.
First Step: I quit my job as the GM of a fast food restaurant and got a new job. It's still in food, still a General Manager, but it's a fast casual restaurant and the food quality and atmosphere could not be more different from that which I came from.
Second Step: Start this blog. I need inspiration. I need motivation.
Yay for the internet! By using pinterest, stumbleupon, iTunesU, TED talks, and whatever else I can drum up on the internet as my inspiration I hope to challenge myself in new ways. By writing a blog I'll motivate myself to do more things so that I'll have more to write about.
Third Step: Who effing knows? I doubt anyone has it all figured out. I don't. I'm just taking it one day at a time, trying to improve myself any way that I can to become the best me that I can be.
I'll keep ya posted.
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